FUTUREMIND EDUCATIONAL TRUST was formed with the objective of imparting IT, Management, & skill development training with several divisions, university courses coupled with international IT certifications along with Soft Skill programmes to bridge in to employability. The vision is to provide quality & professional education merging theoretical concepts with its practical counterparts to the youth with the help of different teaching methodologies marching along with emerging new technologies. Quality assurance parameters for each stage of training and development are ensured at all levels.
FUTUREMIND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, the computer training division of the company is geared up to provide computer education to the masses with in depth subject knowledge coupled with degree courses from affiliated universities, leaving no room for unemployment.
Futuremind Technical Institute is the computer, office and banking training arm of Futuremind Educational Trust, which is a social enterprise registered with Govt. Of NCT, Delhi. Futuremind has been working towards the cause of bridging the skill gap in India by enabling youth to acquire such skills necessary for employment at an affordable cost. The self-sustaining, social model has also been encouraging young and competent people to opt for social entrepreneurship in the training industry.
Futuremind Technical Institute offers various short-term and Diploma programs in emerging sectors like IT, ITES, Banking & Finance, Computer Accountancy, Programming Languages, Retail Management & Soft Skills. The programs are structured to suit the demands of industry so that every candidate who successfully completes the training becomes employable.
FUTUREMIND WOMEN’S POLYTECHNIC, is the fashion wing of Futuremind Educational Society, which is a Non-Profitable organisation registered under Societies Act, 1860 with Govt. of NCT, Delhi. Futuremind Women’s Polytechnic is actively working towards women education, empowerment and upliftment. Futuremind Women’s Polytechnic helps women by providing different courses to enable and equip them to impart their shoulder for taking responsibilities towards the growth of their family and society. Our constructive venture has helped more than 50,000 students till date towards their self-employment and successful placements at respective fields. Futuremind Women’s Polytechnic is presently operating in New Delhi as its Head Office, holding the high banner of quality education Women Empowerment & upliftment. For a nation’s development it is very important for its youth to be equipped with knowledge and skills.
Futuremind Women’s Polytechnic, offers various short-term and Diploma programs in emerging sectors like Fashion Industry, Export houses, Entrepreneurship, Schools, Art & Craft, Fine Arts, Beauty & Personal Care, Cosmetics Industry, IT, & Soft Skills. All of these programs are tailored to make the student employable or to enable self-sustainable skills.